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The Phuel Compact Safety Head

An exciting new product from Phuel - a bespoke engineering solution to a fresh customer request. 

The Phuel Compact Safety Head is a large-bore, hydraulically-controlled wireline intervention valve intended for installation directly above the Xmas Tree during wireline intervention.


Cutting capabilities include:

Continue reading here or download the Phuel Compact Safety Head Datasheet

The Phuel Dual Side Door Stripper

In response to specific client requirements, Phuel have developed a unique Dual Side Door Stripper.

Phuel Liquid Seal Stuffing Box

The most distinctive stuffing box on the market is also the safest, quickest and easiest to use, affording improved handling & minimising down time.

The Phuel Compact Safety Head

An exciting new product from Phuel - a bespoke engineering solution to a fresh customer request.