Cross overs are sections of tubing with different top and bottom connections to allow for two types of connection to be linked.
With the hugely diverse selection of connections in the industry the need to cross over to between sizes or types is always a possibility.
Phuel can offer these sections in all sizes on request, both quick union and flanged, and can also offer more specialised parts including but not exclusively EUE, hammer lug unions and premium threads such as VAM.
The length of each cross over is dependent on the size of connections at each end, however they can be created longer than the minimum size if a desired length is needed.
Extended cross overs can be a practical way of reducing rig height by including the connection size change within the length of a riser for example.
In the case of VAM cross overs added length can allow for recuts to extend the service life. Along with all the different connection sizes there is also the option of a quick test facility if desired which is either a one piece body cross over with two O-rings on the bottom connection or a two piece body assembly that splits in the middle.
Some of the larger connections sizes like the 15 -2 ACME quick union come with a fast test feature as standard along with spring seals.